
DIY Tech Ski & Snowboard Programme Course Afternoon or Evening Programme.

This is a good starting place to get hands-on with Ski & Snowboard Tech-ing. This covers what type of wax to use and edge angles to sharpen. Do you go more than once a season; and need to keep on top of your waxing for the right snow conditions, e.g. from Dec to easter?

Great for Large Families for Skiers and Snowboarders to Save Money from the Ski Repair Shop.


Everything You Need for £170


Are You a Snowboarder looking for better edge control?



What Well Happens on DIY Tech Programme Course on the Day.

  • Discover Construction and Technology.
  • Demonstration.
  • Step-by-Step Guide, for more info, HERE.
  • Edges side and base.
  • Wax Systems on what wax for snow temps.
  • Drinks and snacks are provided.
  • 10% off wax and tools on the day.
  • Goody bag to take home.
  • 5% Discount code voucher for BoardroomTech.
  • Copy of Maintenance guide.
  • Certificate.


Everything You Need for £170


How about adding an extra £15, Saving £40, our "Snowboard Binding Set-up Programme."

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